This website is part of Nature Healing Nature (NHN), a 501c3 nonprofit corporation dedicated to eliminating water related illness on earth using only what people already have available. Although our charitable work is being done in Togo, Senegal, South Africa, Kenya, Haiti, Peru, Nicaragua, and Cambodia, we are educating and spreading the word on how to capture and purify water even here in the United States. Few people know how to do it, and even fewer take their own responsibility for it. You can read more about our nonprofit work at www.naturehealingnature.org

NHN was founded in 2007 by Mark Illian (Texas A&M Electrical Engineering graduate) and Monika Cikhart (from the Czech Republic). We have been all over the world showing remote villagers, with no electricity, clean water, or dignified sanitation, how to have all of that with solutions they never thought of, using skills and materials they already have available. We have worked hand in hand with UNICEF, Amazon Promise, PLAN International, and others trying to affect permanent sustainable change in the world.
Showing people how to help themselves with what they have access to is not relegated to the poor and disadvantaged – it is a global issue of sustainability and self-sufficiency regardless of income or locale. Even rich nations like ours need a bit of help. Locally, we assisted the City of Houston in writing their first ever potable rainwater code, and we are currently helping them with gravity fed rainwater irrigation for their CoH Permit Building green roof.
We are here to help anyone and everyone on this Earth to learn about, and practice, making their water free of anything that can hurt them.